Sunday, October 28, 2007

Love Lost

I wrote this poem way back in 10th grade. Thought i'll show it to you.

I gaze at you from afar,
Lead me thou kindly light.
A sight you are, soothing to the eyes,
Away from the bustle of life, arise!

What dexterous hand
Molded thine graceful form?
What angel did lend you her eyes?
Which eagle did give his piercing look?
And elf, the fairness of night.

A thousand miles should begin,
with a single step.
And so shall my journey begin.
I knew my lamp was brimming with oil,
The day I saw thee in my dream.

A reverie you are, I know.
But a treasure you shall be!
I feel the pain,
a hundred knives,
Of a love lost in life's sea.

Goodbye sweet! Bid you farewell!
Though not with me, your soft touch,
thine spirit lingers next to me.
Away you have gone, never to see,
Beyond the veil, on the silent sea....


Snea said...

Awesome!! But about whom is it?? Cheers~

Arjun M said...

bsss... psssssss

no wonder you fared so well in tenth grade...