Sunday, October 28, 2007

Love Lost

I wrote this poem way back in 10th grade. Thought i'll show it to you.

I gaze at you from afar,
Lead me thou kindly light.
A sight you are, soothing to the eyes,
Away from the bustle of life, arise!

What dexterous hand
Molded thine graceful form?
What angel did lend you her eyes?
Which eagle did give his piercing look?
And elf, the fairness of night.

A thousand miles should begin,
with a single step.
And so shall my journey begin.
I knew my lamp was brimming with oil,
The day I saw thee in my dream.

A reverie you are, I know.
But a treasure you shall be!
I feel the pain,
a hundred knives,
Of a love lost in life's sea.

Goodbye sweet! Bid you farewell!
Though not with me, your soft touch,
thine spirit lingers next to me.
Away you have gone, never to see,
Beyond the veil, on the silent sea....

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Wall

A really nice person i know asked me to give her a topic to write about. I gave her the first thing i could think about. And now that i have given it to her, i couldn't resist the temptation to write down about the wall myself!
At first thought, the topic does not make any sense. Like Shakespeare would have said, " A wall by any other name would have sounded just as sweet". This blog with any other topic would have of course, stimulated mildly more interest. Yet, i seem to have developed a liking for the abstract and i am determined to pursue writing on abstract topics doggedly. Occasionally though, i might muster enough practical sense to snap out of it and start blogging about anything i feel. merits attention.
I come back presently, to the topic at hand. If i did go into the what a wall means, this would not have been any better than a hundred other topics languishing in that eternal graveyard reserved for mundane and oft pointless works. The very word wall i suppose conjures up to the ordinary, a barrier, a protective something which by nature, is a physical shield. It may bring to the mind of the philosopher, an obstacle in life's long road. But to me, the wall is a metaphor, A constant reminder that life is not just a bed of roses, but also a heap of hidden thorns.
Now that you come to think of it, what is the wall? I may have offered arbitrary and rather vague interpretation( and very few) of what the wall really means. Let me put it this way. You see the wall everywhere around you. It's positively closing down upon you every single minute of the day. And yet we are helpless. We do not understand that it is the wall. And yet at times, the wall may propel you to great heights, pushing and motivating us to move on to better things.
At this point, it would be prudent to assume that the wall can be supposed to be mistakes. Obstacles, hurdles which life routinely throws at us with persistence and severity to test our mettle and our spirit. To err is human. So why is it that a lot of people shrink away from their walls? why is it that very few go on to declare open war on their wall and proceed to climb it? Is it something to do with human nature? or is it more dependent on the vagaries of the human spirit, each different from the next?
We will probably never get to the bottom of this. Science may come up with an answer for this. But then it will remain just that- A science. But what we must know, is that each of us will have walls. Obstacles laid out by the maker's intricate plan. A complex design so vast and unfathomable that the human mind can scarcely comprehend it. And we, happen to be an intrinsic part of that plan.
Tell me, have you ever seen anyone without walls? The richest man in the world has his walls. So does the poorest one. And we know this fact and acknowledge it completely. Yes, i have problems. A very easy statement. But what am i doing which will help me to effectively climb the wall is easily looked over.
The answer to climbing our walls lies not elsewhere, but within ourselves. It takes but one small important spark to strike a fire of resolution in the indomitable human spirit. If there is one thing i can say, puts everything to shame, it is the unconquerable, unquenchable human spirit. And when we, possess that in great measure. why should we quail before the wall? Think of the wall as a metaphor the next time you see it. Get your ropes. Stand up to the wall, and start climbing. Understand your wall to climb it. More success demands you to climb taller walls. Be prepared. But once you do finish climbing it, look back at it and think about how you climbed it. If you had slipped halfway when climbing it, remember it. And do forget to do that the next time you are climbing another wall. Because, if you forget this, you will have climbed the wall in vain.
In retrospect, the wall, i can now safely say is a metaphor for mistakes and failures. But how you conquer it is up to you. No wall is too tall. No will is too weak. It lies with you, my dear fellow on how you face your wall. I have faced my wall. I am still facing more walls. And right now, i am climbing one. So, go out there and climb your own wall!